Ultimate Beach Body Sculpt: Triple Threat Series Workout No.8
The Triple Threat Series workouts are fun, efficient, and effective metabolism boosting workouts, designed to supercharge fat loss, build lean muscle definition, and increase strength. This series is based on a tri-superset system, using a strength exercise, superset with a stability exercise, superset with a HIIT exercise. This series will give you mega fat burn in a short amount of time, while also carving out muscle definition.
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Ultimate Beach Body Sculpt: Triple Threat Series Workout #8
Reps of 12 for Strength & Stability Sets
Intervals Of 50/10 for HIIT Sets
Optional Equipment: Dumbbells, 2 sliders/rags, pillow, stability ball (I give options for no equipment)
Tri-set w/ same muscle group
Strength: Side-lunge (L), transverse lunge (L)
Stability: Levitating lunge (L)
HIIT: Plyo Running Man (L) (or low impact RM)
Strength: Side-lunge, transverse lunge (R)
Stability: Levitating lunge (R)
HIIT: Plyo Running Man (R)
Strength: Pause goblet squat
Stability: S. leg elevated hip thrusts (L) full ROM
HIIT: Squat front kicks
Strength: Sumo squat, to sumo deadlift
Stability: S. leg elevated hip thrusts (R)
HIIT: Curtsey lunge kick, squat jumps (alternating)
Strength: Romanian Deadlift, double row (supinated grip)
Stability: Single-leg deadlift (L) w/ s. arm row, s. arm scaption
HIIT: Speed skaters
Strength: Good-mornings
Stability: Single-leg deadlift (R) w/ s. arm row, s. arm scaption
HIIT: Stability ball (or slider) hamstring curls
1) Double leg pull-in, knee-to-elbow, s. leg pike (L), knee-to elbow, s. leg pike (R) Sequence(large movement)
2) Plank In & Outs (w/ sliders, plyo or step out)
3) Reverse s. leg plank pikes w/ hips lifted (L)
4) Reverse s. leg plank pikes w/ hips lifted (R)
5) Leg raises w/ hip lifts (center, right, left)
FitForceFX strongly recommends that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program.
You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercises shown.
You should understand that when participating in any exercise or exercise program, there is the possibility of physical injury. If you engage in this exercise or exercise program, you agree that you do so at your own risk, are voluntarily participating in these activities, assume all risk of injury to yourself, and agree to release and discharge FitForceFX from any and all claims or causes of action, known or unknown, arising out of FitForceFX's negligence.