Shredded Strength: Body Sculpt Strength Workout No.12
This is the 12th workout in my Body Sculpt Strength Series and it is a full body sculpt. This routine works it all! I've incorporated a lot of single-leg and stability moves in this workout to maximize intensity, and effectiveness and for added challenge. We're here - this is our time - so let's work hard and make each move work hard for us! If you keep consistent with them, the workouts in this series will quickly tighten, sculpt, and tone your ENTIRE body with lean muscle. I've also got a Lean Body Series for your cardio and muscle sculpting pleasure! ;-)
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Shredded Strength: Body Sculpt Strength Workout #12 by
Interval: 50/10
Optional Equipment: Set of dumbbells, box/step, mat,pPillow/Airex Pad, set of cloths/plastic plates
1) Levitating lunge (L)
2) Levitating lunge (R)
3) Renegade Rows
4) Side step-up, abduction, uneven squat (R)
5) Side step-up, abduction, uneven squat (L)
6) Single leg deadlift, row, clean & press, fwd leg extension (L)
7) Single leg deadlift, row, clean & press, fwd leg extension (R)
8) Single-leg bridge-lift (full ROM) w/ skull crusher(R)
9) Single-leg bridge lift (full ROM) w/ fly or tricep press (L)
10) Kneeling lean backs
11) Pirate pulls
12) Pause goblet squat w/ calve raise & single arm punch
13) Single leg plank slides (5L,5R)
14) Stability sit ups (L&R)
15) Superman plank, knee-to-elbow (L&R)
*Injury disclaimer:
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce this risk of injury, please consult your doctor before beginning this, or any other, physical fitness program. Any user of this program assumes the full risk of injury resulting from performing the routines presented within this video.