Tabata is meant to be 20 seconds of FULL intensity max, cycled off with 10 seconds of FULL rest (x8). I’ve designed this one to give us a 3 minute active (strength) rest in between each Tabata, so since we are not doing the Tabatas back-to-back this is your chance to really challenge yourself and attempt to really follow the true Tabata protocol. Please listen to your body and lower intensity if you need it, take rests, and also hydrate as you need it. Challenge yourself and you will see results with this! This series is designed to shred fat, define muscle, and improve your endurance and stamina. Remember to incorporate healthy diet and lifestyle habits to supplement your hard work and help you reach your goals. Follow me on Instagram for helpful tips on how to do this!
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Train. Nourish. Transform.
Full Body Tabata Shred: HIIT & Strength Series #4 by
Optional Equipment: Set Of Dumbells
20 Seconds High Intensity Alternated With 10 Seconds Of Complete Rest
TABATA 1) Everests ALTERNATE star jumps
STRENGTH 1: Step up, kick-back, reverse lunge, hammer curl (L)
STRENGTH 2: Step up, kick-back, reverse lunge, o/h press (R)
STRENGTH 3: Close-stance deep squat fly
TABATA 2) 4 Plyo Switch Lunge, 4 Squat Front Kick (L&R) (4 Sets) / 2 plank jacks, 2 plank kick throughs
STRENGTH 1: 3-point single-leg deadlift (L)
STRENGTH 2: 3-point single-leg deadlift (R)
STRENGTH 3: Curtsey lunge w/ b-curl to O/H press (L&R)
TABATA 3) Jump Squat W/ Heel Taps (4 Sets) / Weighted Basketball Jumps (4 Sets)
STRENGTH 1: Bombshell get-ups (L)
STRENGTH 2: Bombshell get-ups (R)
STRENGTH 3: Plank Drag
TABATA 4) Plank Jacks W/ Shoulder Touch (4 Sets) / Stand Up Sit-Up Burpees
STRENGTH 1: Weighted leg pull ins (R,L,C)
STRENGTH 2: Rotating side plank dips
STRENGTH 3: Plank ball-rollers (if no ball do a forward back plank)
*Injury disclaimer:
Not all exercises are suitable for everyone and this or any other exercise program may result in injury. To reduce this risk of injury, please consult your doctor before beginning this, or any other, physical fitness program. Any user of this program assumes the full risk of injury resulting from performing the routines presented within this video.