HIIT Workout Collection

HIIT Workout Collection

A growing library of fun & effective HIIT cardio workouts!

HIIT Workout Collection
  • Tabata Sweatfest! Lean Body Series No.43

    Optional equipment: dumbbells, loop band, riser, hard ball

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    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
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    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com


  • Tabata Tone-Up: Lean Body Series No.44

    Optional equipment: Riser (step), light & heavy dumbbells, hard ball, loop band.

    Let's be social!
    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForceFX
    ♥ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com

    ***TOOLS I LO...

  • Kickboxing Smackdown: 1000 Calorie Killer Kickboxing No.32

    Optional equipment: set of very light dumbbells (1-3 lbs).

    Let's be social!

    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForceFX
    ♥ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com


  • Total Body Tabata: Lean Body Series No.45

    Optional equipment: dumbbells or kettlebells, bosu (or riser), hard ball

    Let's be social!
    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForceFX
    ♥ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com

    ***TOOLS I LOVE FOR M...

  • Total Body Slay: Lean Body Series No.46

    Optional equipment: Riser (or Bosu), medium & heavy dumbbells/KB's, hard ball.

    Let's be social!
    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForceFX
    ♥ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com

    ***TOOLS I LOVE...

  • Total Body: Lean Body Series No.47

    Optional equipment: med dumbbells, riser, medium kettlebells (light, med, heavy), hard ball

    Let's be social!
    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForceFX
    ♥ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com


  • Total Body Tabata Sweat-Fest

    Optional equipment: set of dumbbells (med/heavy), hard ball, riser (or step/Bosu)

    Let's be social!
    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForceFX
    ♥ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com

    ***TOOLS I L...

  • Total Body Tabata Blast: Lean Body Series No.48

    Optional equipment: set of dumbbells (med/heavy), hard ball, step or Bosu

    Let's be social!
    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForceFX
    ♥ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com

    ***TOOLS I LOVE FOR ...

  • Body Shred Tabata: LBS No.49

    Optional equipment: dumbbells/kettlebells, bench or riser, hard ball, bosu

    Let's be social!
    ♥ INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/FitForceFX
    ♥ PINTEREST: https://www.pinterest.com/fitforcefx/
    ♥ WEBSITE: https://www.FitForceFX.com

    ***TOOLS I LOVE FOR...